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Property Inspection

A property inspection is a professional assessment of a building's technical condition, designed to identify current issues and potential risks. During the inspection, we conduct a visual examination using non-invasive diagnostic tools that do not interfere with the building's structural elements. Based on the findings, we provide you with an accurate overview of the property's condition, highlight any future risks, and recommend any necessary further diagnostics.
Do you want to move into a new apartment without defects? Make the developer fix them.

We will inspect your property in Prague, find out defects and produce a report.
Property Inspection
A property inspection is a professional assessment of a building's technical condition, designed to identify current issues and potential risks. During the inspection, we conduct a visual examination using non-invasive diagnostic tools that do not interfere with the building's structural elements. Based on the findings, we provide you with an accurate overview of the property's condition, highlight any future risks, and recommend any necessary further diagnostics.

Do you want to move into a new apartment without defects? Make the developer fix them.

We will inspect your property in Prague, find out defect and produce a report
  • 1 220 000 czk

    Saved our clients money
  • 2 100 м2

    Meters accepted
  • 35

    Inspections made

Our Real Estate Inspection Services

Inspecting new buildings

From 5 000 CZK

Inspecting older properties

From 5 000 CZK

Inspecting of
ommercial space

From 5 000 CZK

Additional services

Area control

Check the actual floor area.
From 2 000 CZK

Legal services

We will check all legal documents.

Checking for repairs

Check after developer repair.

Process of work

We'll identify any defects, deficiencies, or deviations from standards that could affect the quality of your prospective property. A comprehensive assessment will be prepared, enabling you to discuss rectifying these issues with the seller or negotiate a discount on the property.
  • Application

    Please book an inspection or contact our specialist and we will serve you quickly and professionally.
  • Departure of the expert

    Select a date and time for the home inspection that works for you. Our specialist will bring all necessary equipment.
  • Inspection

    Inspector will examine the major systems of your home as well as provides any additional services you specified in your booking.
  • Getting a report and payment

    After the inspection closes you will get a report in electronic form (PDF). Payment is made.
Report in PDF format
After the inspection closes you will get a report in PDF format, where you can find all violations of the existing building requirements detected by our professionals. The report will be sent to your email or messenger.

Based on this document, the developer is obliged to rectify all identified violations.

Real Estate Inspection Services

At PKB, we provide thorough property inspection services in Prague, offering a detailed evaluation of real estate assets to ensure they meet quality and safety standards. Our services are designed to support informed decision-making for those involved in the buying, selling, or managing of properties.

Purpose of Property Inspection Services

Property inspections are a critical component in the real estate transaction process. They provide a thorough assessment of a property's condition, identifying any potential issues that could impact its value or usability. Our services are particularly useful for:

  • Homebuyers: Before completing a purchase, a property inspection reveals any underlying issues that might affect the property's condition or future maintenance costs. This allows buyers to negotiate repairs or adjust their offers accordingly.
  • Real Estate Investors: Investors benefit from knowing the exact condition of a property before committing to a purchase. Inspections help assess the potential return on investment and avoid unexpected costs due to unforeseen repairs.
  • Property Owners and Managers: Regular inspections help maintain the property’s value and ensure compliance with safety standards. Identifying maintenance needs early can prevent more significant issues and reduce long-term costs.

Importance of Real Estate Inspections

Real estate inspections are an essential part of risk management in property transactions. The key benefits of our inspection services include:

  • Identifying Issues: Our comprehensive inspections cover all major systems and structures of a property, including the foundation, electrical and plumbing systems, roofing, and insulation. This thorough approach ensures that any potential issues are identified early.
  • Ensuring Compliance: Inspections ensure that properties meet all relevant local building codes and safety regulations, providing assurance for both property owners and tenants.
  • Protecting Investments: By uncovering defects and potential areas needing repair, inspections help property owners avoid unexpected costs and maintain the market value of their investments.

Benefits of Our Property Inspection Services

Choosing PKB for your property inspection needs ensures that you receive comprehensive, reliable information that can greatly benefit your investment decisions. Here’s how our services add value:

  • Comprehensive Property Inspections: Our thorough evaluations provide you with a clear understanding of the property's current state, including any potential issues or maintenance needs. This insight allows you to make informed decisions, budget for future repairs, and avoid unexpected expenses, ensuring your investment is sound.
  • Pre-Purchase and Pre-Sale Inspections: For buyers, our detailed assessments help you identify any hidden problems before finalizing a purchase, potentially saving you from costly repairs and ensuring you pay a fair price. For sellers, our inspections can help uncover issues that can be addressed before listing, enhancing your property's marketability and helping to close deals more quickly and smoothly.
  • Quality Control Inspections for Renovations and Repairs: These inspections provide peace of mind during and after renovation or repair projects, ensuring that all work meets high standards and complies with regulations. This service helps protect your investment by verifying the quality of work performed, avoiding future problems, and maintaining the property's value.

By leveraging PKB’s professional inspection services, you gain the confidence and knowledge needed to manage your property effectively and maximize your return on investment. Contact us today to schedule your inspection and secure a comprehensive understanding of your property’s condition.

Frequently asked questions

What do our inspectors check for in the finished new building?

Windows and doors

Cracks, chips and scales. Sash-operating mechanism. Weather-stripping and caulking around windows.

Floor and walls flatness

Checking walls covering on deviation from the vertical plane.
Checking floor covering on deviation from the horizontal plane.


Checking the functionality of natural ventilation. Checking the functionality of mechanical ventilation.


Testing all the outlets and making sure there are functional ground fault circuit interrupters (which can protect you from electrocution, electric shock, and electrical burns). Checking your electrical panel for any safety issues.


Our specialists will inspect your pipes and lines, looking for leaks, damaged fittings, or other potential problems. Checking the water meter.


Checking exterior mechanical defects. Deficiencies made in the course of cladding , installation.

Quality of finishing works

Walls finishing, plastering, paneling and painting (calking, wallpapering etc.) works. Quality of laminate flooring.

Quality of finishing works

Ceiling painting, tile walls and floor. quality of interior doors installation. Plumbing installation.

Preparation of an inspection report

Our expert will independently record all identified complaints in professional language and send it to the developer's email address for immediate correction of the complaint.
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